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Curriculum Organisation


Our aim is for children to make useful links between areas of learning, connecting sticky knowledge and consolidating skills across curriculum subjects. Anston Hillcrest Priamry School has therefore developed a thematic curriculum to deliver the majority of the National Curriculum. These themes enable pupils to understand how subjects are interconnected without losing the rigour of each subject discipline. Other subjects are taught discretely. The timetable is carefully considered to ensure that pupils experience a broad range of learning opportunities, and that the curriculum is not narrowed.

The following subjects are taught discretely:

  • English (some links made through Novel study)

  • Maths

  • Physical Education

  • Religious Education

  • Modern Foreign Languages

The following subjects are taught thematically:

  • Science

  • History

  • Geography

  • Art

  • Design Technology

  • Music

  • PSHE


English: This is a major area of teaching and learning. It includes the four main components: speaking and listening, reading, writing and Spelling/Grammar/Punctuation known as “SPaG”. Activities shared with parents often demonstrate the implementation of policy and parental participation in these areas is encouraged. The school uses the Sounds Write phonics programme which is also used in our infant feeder school.       

Mathematics: Maths occupies a core position in the curriculum. Key concepts and skills are taught using structured apparatus, practical tasks and real-life situations. Traditional number (including mental and written methods), spatial, and data handling skills are taught. Children are taught their number bonds and the multiplication tables. We use a mastery approach to the teaching of mathematics which balances procedural fluency (arithmetic skills) with conceptual fluency (reasoning and problems solving). Mathematics is an exciting and fascinating subject which children learn to value and really enjoy.  

Science: Our work in science is based on observation and investigation of the natural world/universe and how mankind has affected these environments. Developing scientific skills is given a high priority and the pupils enjoy opportunities for practical experimentation and the challenge that science presents to their thinking skills and their understanding of the physical world around them. Their investigations are popular and form a basis for most of our work in science. It is important that children understand the profound effect that science has on our lives, and ethical considerations are linked    with our scientific work.    

Technology, design technology and information communication technology:   Technology is essentially a practical subject and is explored through a variety of contexts all within the experiential approach to learning. The children use design/technology in a range of different contexts. They learn to generate designs, to plan and organise their work and evaluate it as it progresses making amendments as necessary. Information Technology is an important part of all our lives. As well as being a subject in its own right, it permeates all other areas of the curriculum. The school operates a full computer suite with internet access which includes safeguards. This is in addition to an interactive plasma screen in each class and the use of iPads which enable the children to use ICT in all subjects.          

History: Learning about the past helps us to make sense of the world in which we live. It helps us to understand the attitudes, which have shaped the customs and actions of different peoples so enabling us to understand the joys and the problems within the world. Such an understanding is essential for the adult citizens of tomorrow. The basic framework for our history curriculum is based on the national curriculum study units. We emphasise the importance of historical knowledge, but also the importance of developing historical skills and concepts, which are linked to science, mathematics, English and technology.      

Geography: Learning in geography is concerned with patterns of places and people, physical and environmental studies and the development of geographical skills. The experiential approach gives a basic foundation for children’s understanding from which studies of the wider world may grow.  

Physical Education: School has an obligation to cater not only for a child’s mental, moral and spiritual well-being but also for the physical side to education. We aim to encourage the development of physical abilities and celebrate pupils’ achievements. The two sides of our physical education programme are as follows:  Expressive: in movement, dance and drama, bodily control is used to express feelings and understanding of ideas.  Objective: where basic skills of bodily control are learned and transmitted into other areas. This includes movement, gymnastics, games, athletic activities, outdoor and adventurous activities and swimming. Games skills are taught and children learn the skills and tactics important in competitive team games. Athletic skills are also taught and children keep a record of their progress. Everyone looks forward to our enjoyable sports week in the summer term.  The school has received a number of awards and won numerous trophies for its work in PE.  


Religious Education: This is predominantly based upon the agreed syllabus for RE in Rotherham in which different cultures, beliefs and traditions are explored in accordance with the multicultural policy of the local authority. Parents who wish to exercise their right to exempt their child from either religious education and/or collective worship should contact the head teacher.  

Music: Music is an important part of school life. We share in the joys of making music and listening to music. Children sing and play instruments. They learn to appreciate the structures of music and appreciate how they operate in order to convey mood, feelings and stories. Children also learn to compose and perform their own music.  Rotherham Music Service currently provides us with tuition in stringed instruments including violins and guitars, drums, singing and keyboard. 

Art: This subject provides children with the opportunity to be creative and explore a way of expressing their ideas, feelings and understanding and share in the joy of learning. Sharing experiences is an important element in art education both in the skills developed and in the achievement of success.

Modern foreign languages: Children are introduced to French from Year 3 and this supports the work they will do when they transfer to Wales High School.  

Sex and relationships education: In years 3 to 6, the sex and relationships education is taught in the context of relationships and within the science topic on Life Processes and The Human Body; through pastoral time including circle time and through visits from the school nurse or other health professionals.  In Y3 and 4, the learning focus is on the importance of family relationships, friendships, getting on with people in different social situations (work, school, hobbies etc), developing confidence and independence, celebrating differences.  In science children learn about the human body, health, fitness and hygiene.  

Parents are invited to view sex education materials when the matter is addressed in Year 6 and parents may, if they so wish, withdraw their child from this area by indicating in writing to the head teacher.  


Collective worship: A collective act of worship takes place each day. This forms part of a whole school or class based assembly which lasts for approximately 15 minutes. Through collective worship, we reinforce our curriculum drivers and school values as well as continuing to explore the world. 

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